Vacancies on the Council
This page gives details of any current vacancies on the BSECS Council. Vacancies are normally advertised in the autumn of the year and appointments are made or elections held in time for the Society’s AGM, which happens during the Annual Conference in January. Occasionally, vacancies may arise during the year if people step down from the Council.
Those seeking nomination to the BSECS Council should be members in good standing. The roles are voluntary, but we do pay travel and other relevant expenses.
The normal procedure is for people to nominate themselves for a position on the Council. You may nominate someone else but it is probably a good idea to ask them first! The Society will then appoint one of the nominated persons (for appointed roles) or hold an election (for elected roles). For more information about our elections and appointments procedure, please read our constitution.
For queries about vacancies, nominations, appointments, and elections, please contact the BSECS secretary:
Current Vacancy: Assistant Treasurer
Assistant Treasurer
The Assistant Treasurer works closely with the treasurer to carry out the day-to-day business of BSECS. In practice, this will often entail setting up payments on the online banking system, maintaining the accounts database, and deputizing for the treasurer when they are unable to attend Council or subcommittee meetings. Knowledge of accounting practice is not required, but the holder of this role should be comfortable with using Excel. The Assistant Treasurer sits on the BSECS Council and the finance subcommittee.
This is a voluntary position but the Society pays for all travel and accommodation expenses associated with the roles. The duration of the role is three years but it may be extended a further two years upon agreement of all parties.
Duties of the Council
All members of the Council are expected to take on responsibility for a particular area of the Society’s activities. These roles may vary over time and we will consider applicants with any areas of experience and interest. It should be noted that Council members are required to attend the Annual Conference, the regular meetings of the Council, and any relevant committees. The Council meets three times a year. In the event of non-attendance at two successive meetings members risk being removed.
This position does not require an election. Nominees should submit a short statement outlining their experience, their current academic status/affiliation (if applicable), and expressing their interest in the role to the Secretary ( by 11.59pm on 15 February.
The British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies seeks to create and support a diverse and inclusive community of researchers and scholars from all sections of society and warmly encourages applications to council posts from members of under-represented groups. Our Equality and Diversity statement is available here and our EDI policy here.
For more information, please contact