First London Thelwall Lecture Back

First London Thelwall Lecture:
The Ghosts of Garden Court: John Thelwall and the Haunted Summer of 1816

Event date:          5 November 2016
Speaker:               Professor Judith Thompson (Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS)
Location:              Garden Court Chambers, 57-60 Lincolns Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3LJ

On behalf of the John Thelwall Society, I wish to announce the first London Lecture organized by the Society. Professor Judith Thompson will offer a lecture focusing on Thelwall’s elocutionary institution at 57 Lincoln’s Inn Fields (where the event is being held).

It will be preceded by a tour round the building which housed Thelwall’s elocutionary institution. Following the lecture we will have an informal meal at the nearby Ship Tavern.

Programme for afternoon:

3:30pm      Tour round 57 Lincolns Inn Fields
4:30pm      Tea & cake
5:00pm      Lecture by Judith Thompson (with Q&A)
6:30pm      Meal at nearby Ship Tavern

Please email me ( if you are thinking about attending the lecture and/or meal. This will be helpful in terms of estimating number of attendees (particularly for booking a table for the meal). You can, however, just turn up on the day.

Dr. Gordon Bottomley
(Secretary, John Thelwall Society)