The Journal

Journal for Eighteenth Century StudiesThe Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies (JECS) is the official journal of the British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, published by Wiley. Founded in 1972, JECS publishes essays and reviews on a full range of eighteenth-century subjects. It is received by all the Society’s members, and is subscribed to by many individuals and institutions, including many University libraries. All volumes of the Journal are available in both printed and electronic format.

Members of BSECS and those with institutional subscriptions can read JSECS online in the Wiley Online Library.


JECS is edited by Dr Emrys Jones (,at King’s College London, 22 Kingsway, London WC2B 6NR, U.K. 


Profile image of Adam J Smith

The General Reviews Editor is Dr Adam James Smith (, at York St John University.

Editorial Board

Michael Burden University of Oxford
Clorinda Donato California State University, Long Beach
Margot Finn University College London
Judith Hawley Royal Holloway, University of London
Holger Hoock University of Pittsburgh
Robert D. Hume Penn State University
Lawrence Klein Cambridge University
Mark Ledbury University of Sydney
Ourida Mostefai Brown University
Geoffrey Plank University of East Anglia
Peter Sabor McGill University
Shearer West University of Oxford


JECS is published by Wiley.

Table of Contents

The Journal’s contents (1972 – current issue) can be accessed online at Wiley Online Library. The table of contents can be viewed by anyone but you will need to be a member of the Society or an individual or institutional subscriber to view the full text of articles.

The Wiley Online Library website allows you to sign up for eAlerts, notifying you when new issues are published.